Ma Desheng

Chinese 1952

Contemporary Chinese artist and poet. Born in Beijing, Ma has an uninhibited character which is often to be apparent on his works. He is a member of Star Art Group and one of the original advocates. The members of SAG tried to break out the Chinese political thoughts with the avant garde art form which was forbidden at the time. The members even held a manifestation on the street to endeavor for the creative freedom. This movement later had enlightened the development of contemporary chinese art and won a significant position in the contemporary chinese art history.

Ma moved to Paris in 1986 and even since he had indulged in western civilization and philosophy. He later created a good number of ink wash paintings which has subverted the traditional form of Chinese ink wash paintings. After gone through a car accident in the United States in 1992, he begun to create his works with acrylic pigments and outlined the figures with piled stone shapes. Stone has been Ma’s favorite topic and also stands for the immortality which Ma has deeply believes and he tries to interpret his rebirth of core value through his favorite topic after he had gone through the traumatic life experience.

Ma has held numerous exhibitions and his works have been collected by museums including Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris in 1989, The University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong in 2010, Cernuschi Museum, now Museum of Asiatic Arts in 2013 and The British Museum.

Ma Desheng Artworks
Au Pair
Acrylic on canvas
130 x 97 cm
380,000 - 480,000
98,000 - 124,000
12,600 - 15,900