Japanese 1960

Takato Yamamoto was born in Akita Prefecture, Japan in 1960 and graduated from the painting department of the Tokyo Zokei University. Yamamoto started to experiment with the Ukiyo-e Pop style in 1994. As a member of the Tokyo Illustrators Society, he further refined and developed that style to create his “Heisei estheticism” style. From the unmistakable, overwhelming presence and enigmatic nature of his painting style imbued by their symbolic characteristics. His painting traverse traditional and modern style, Yamamoto made the leap to a unique and charismatic presence. Yamamoto is now active in Japan, Taiwan and many other cities in Asia.

Takato YAMAMOTO Artworks
Sacred Emergence
Oil on canvas
100 x 73 cm
650,000 - 750,000
175,000 - 202,000
22,400 - 25,800
141,000 - 163,000