Taiwanese 1950

Born in Taipei, Taiwan and nicknamed "Xiao-mi", graduating from National Normal University in 1973 while winning the first prize of oil painting in the 28th Provincial Fine Art Exhibition in the same year. He displayed a disputable work "Banana Series" in 1975 and went to the USA for further studies right afterwards. In 1977, he got the Master of Art degree from the State University of New York, Albany, NY. He moved to New York City after graduation and has been working on artistic creation ever since. Personal and joint exhibitions were held in Taipei, Hong Kong, Jaoan and the US. After the middle of the 1980s, Surrealism faded away and was taken place of by Minimalism. Minimalism made surrealists who emphasize on the purity of art and look for objective presentation gave up their old thoughts and relinquish realism. However, Cho did not go with the flow and remained with the photorealistic approach. He was one of the few artists who held tight his belief and won recognition from the art world.

YJ CHO Artworks
A View of Chiu-fen
Oil on canvas
106.5 x 151.5 cm
420,000 - 500,000
12,400 - 14,800