LUO Erchun

Chinese 1929

Born in Xiangxian County, Hunan Province. Accepted in to the Suzhou Art College at the age of 16 in 1946. There Luo studied under Yen Wunliang and his time at the school gave him a solid grounding in art. Graduated in 1951. In 1964 he was transferred to the Department of Oil Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. After the Cultural Revolution he was assigned to the State Council to work on hotel paintings where he met with other artists such as Wu Zuo-ren,Li Ku-chan and Ai Zhong-xin. In 1982 he held a group exhibition at the CAFA and in the same year was assigned to the CAFA Department of Oil Painting' s No.3 Studio. In 1988 he held the "Exhibition of Oil Paintings by Luo" at the Hefner Galleries in New York. The exhibition featured a total of 30 of his oil paintings. In 2004 he was interviewed by the Chinese Language Station of Radio France Internationale. Luo has always insisted on maintaining independence of thought and creativity in art. This was the reason for Wu Guan-zhong's high estimation of his work.

LUO Erchun Artworks
Oil on canvas
64 x 80 cm
180,000 - 300,000
44,000 - 73,000
5,600 - 9,400
An Aboriginal Little Lady
Oil on canvas
150 x 120 cm
1,400,000 - 2,200,000
333,300 - 523,800
42,700 - 67,100
Sold Price