XIN Dongwang

Chinese 1963

Born in He-Bei. Shin graduated from the Art Department of Shan-Shi Jinzhong Teachers College in 1988, and finished the courses of the 7th Advanced Studies for Assistants in 1994 and the 1st Advanced Studies in 2003 in the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Art and Design. A former teacher of the Art Department of Shan-Shi Normal University and of the Oil Painting Department of Tianjian Fine Arts School, Xin is now an associate professor in the Painting Department in the Art School of Tsing-Hua University. Xin's exhibition resume includes "the 3rd China Oil Painting Exhibition" (Silver Award), "the 1st Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting Society", "To the New Age- Chinese Youth Oil Painting Exhibition" (award of the same title), "the 9th National Arts Exhibition" (Bronze Award), "National Artistic Work Exhibition for the 80th anniversary of the Communist Party" (Excellent Work Award), "the 3rd Oil Painting Exhibtion", "the 1st Beijing Biennale International Exhibition", and "the 10th National Arts Exhibition" (Golden Award).

XIN Dongwang Artworks
Oil on canvas
81 x 65 cm
1,300,000 - 2,000,000
309,500 - 476,200
39,600 - 61,000