JIA Difei

Chinese 1957

Jia Difei was born in Ji Lin Province. He was graduated from Department of Oil Paintings in LuXun Academy of Fine Arts in 1983. Jai Difei's unrestrained, wild preventative styles helped him stand out in present art scene among other famous contemporary artists. He followed his intuition to paint freely; he faces art and life with innocent and sincere, with his unrestrained imaginations he paints impromptu with vivid representations made his paintings really stand out and influenced many painters from later generations.Jia's unique presentations on paintings are continually concerned by the national art scene. His major exhibitions: 6th, 7th 8th National Art Exhibition, 1st, 2nd China Oil Painting exhibition. His awards received: Silver medal from the 6th National art exhibition, the honor of brilliance from the 2nd China Oil Painting exhibition.

JIA Difei Artworks
Poker Series - K
Oil on canvas
120 x 99 cm
620,000 - 720,000
147,600 - 171,400
18,900 - 22,000
Sold Price