LUO Gongliu

Chinese 1916 - 2004

Born in Kaiping, Guangdong , Lou enrolled to Hangzhou Art College in 1936 and to the department of fine arts of Yanan Luxun Arts Academy in 1938. He later studied oil painting skills and in Russia in 1955, studied all the masterpieces. While his preparing for the National Wood Carving Exhibition held in Wuhan in 1938, he founded the National Wood Carving Association, and had been chosen for the directorate, in the same year he went to Yanan to work for the wood carving team, he created many wood carvings for "xinhua Daily" In 1946, he become the associate director of college of literature and art in The Northern University, in 1949, he became the director of the department of fine arts in The Northern University. Taught in the Central Academy of Arts since 1949, his works had participated in the National Art Exhibition for several times. During 1960's, he held an oil painting study group, worked and taught in his "Luo Gongliu" studio. He advocates learning from Chinese traditional paintings, to develop the ways to express in oil paintings.

LUO Gongliu Artworks
Mao Portrait
Oil on paper
43 x 37 cm
220,000 - 320,000
53,000 - 77,000
6,800 - 9,800
Sold Price