Chinese 1973

Free painter and writer Jin Zi was born in 1973 and now is living in Beijing. She graduated from Oil Paint- ing Department of Sichuan Art Academy in 1998 and completed courses of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2006. She won the Prize of Excellent Work in China's Art Academy Graduates Works Exhibition in 1998 and attended "Migration Diary" art exhibition in the same year. She also attended "Chongqing Metropolitan Folk Art" Exhibition and "Body Art" Exhibition in 1999, "Perfect Comma" Exhibition, "Women Painters' Work" Exhibition and "Beauideal" women painters' exhibition in 2006. She held her solo exhibition "War of One Person" in Beijing Artist Village Gallery in 2007. Cartoon style, or figures from traditional operas, the language and schematic expressions in Jin Zi's works all originate from her successful conversion to commonly recognized images, whereas the import of individual consciousness not only changes the creation style of the signiication of common images, but also endows her work with vivid personal perceptions.

JIN Zi Artworks
A Lover in the Mirror
Acrylic on canvas
160 x 180 cm
240,000 - 350,000
61,500 - 89,700
8,300 - 12,100