SHI Dong Won

Korean 1963

Born in 1963, Shi Dongwon graduated from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan, USA, in 2001, majoring in Ceramics. He became Artist-in-Residence in Michigan State University in 2002 and the John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Wisconsin, USA in 2003, and teaches now at the Korean National University of Arts. He was awarded a special prize in the "17th Seoul Contemporary Ceramic Arts Contest" (1997), and Honourable Mention in the "Horizon Award 2001" of the American Museum in SOFA (2001). He has participated in group exhibitions such as "Craftforms 2000" (USA); "Michigan Annual XXIX" (2001); "3rd World Ceramic Biennale – Ceramics and Architecture" (2005, Korea); "International Architecture Ceramic Exhibition" (2006, Korea). And he has held solo exhibitions including "The Overlooked" (2002, Michigan); "In Between" (2005, Seoul); "Still Life: Clay" (2006, Seoul).

SHI Dong Won Artworks
A Moment
Porcelain and wooden board, unique
64(L) x 53(W) x 4(H) cm
160,000 - 260,000
39,000 - 63,000
5,000 - 8,100