MA Liuming

Chinese 1969

Ma was born in Hubei Province, China, in 1969. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts in 1991. Ma is considered a conceptual performance artist, and has performed solo shows including "Untitled II" at the 7th International Istanbul Biennale in 2001; "Any Day" (2003, Japan); and other solo exhibitions in Beijing, China (2004); Seoul, South Korea (2006); Madrid, Spain (2007). He has also participated in numerous group performances and exhibitions, including the Traveling Exhibition: "Translated Acts" at the Queens Museum of Art (2001), and "Peripheries Become the Center" at the 2003 Prague Biennale.

MA Liuming Artworks
Baby No. 5
Oil on canvas
200 x 150 cm
680,000 - 950,000
180,000 - 250,000
23,700 - 32,900
Fen - Ma Liuming in Münich
Type-C print, edition no. 9/20
120 x 240 cm
240,000 - 380,000
59,000 - 93,000
7,500 - 11,900