YANG Shaobin

Chinese 1963

Born in Tangshan, Hebei, China, Yang Shaobin graduated from the Hebei Polytechnic Institute in 1983. Yang Shaobin joined the Cynical Realist movement in 1991 after moving to a Chinese avant-garde artist community in the village of Yuanmingyuan, on the outskirts of Beijing, and began experimenting with a more abstract style after 1995 when he relocated to Tongxian. Yang Shaobin’s art has become known for its social commentary and disturbing subject matter, which the artist claims is intended to evoke pain in viewers.

One of the most important figures in Chinese avant-garde, Yang Shaobin has exhibited at the Kunstmuseum Bonn for their groundbreaking exhibition “China!” in 1994 in addition to the 48th Venice Biennale in 1999. In 2000, he won the Contemporary Chinese Artist Award.

Dongyu Museum of Fine Arts, Shenyang, China
Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou, China
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, USA
Cartier Foundation, Paris, France
Spazio Contemporanea Arti e Culture, Milan, Italy

“Yang Shaobin” Asian Fine Arts Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2000
“Yang Shaobin” Chinese Contemporary Gallery, London, UK, 2001
“Yang Shaobin” Beijing Art Now Gallery, Beijing, China, 2004
“Vibrations” Alexander Ochs Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2005
“800 Meters Under” Long March Space, Beijing, China, 2006
“Yang Shaobin: Immaculata Conceptio” Alexander Ochs Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2007
“YANG SHAOBIN” National Gallery Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2007
“X-Blind Spot” Long March Space, Beijing, China, 2008
“First Steps - Last Words” Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2009
“Blue Room” Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China, 2010

YANG Shaobin Artworks
Red No. 2
Oil on canvas
230 x 178 cm
4,200,000 - 6,000,000
1,105,000 - 1,579,000
142,400 - 203,400
Concussion IV
Oil on canvas
66 x 120 cm
1,292,000 - 1,520,000
340,000 - 400,000
43,600 - 51,300
Oil on canvas
122 x 151 cm
1,100,000 - 1,800,000
259,000 - 424,000
33,600 - 55,000
Oil on canvas
141 x 110 cm
1,100,000 - 2,000,000
256,000 - 465,000
32,800 - 59,700
Sold Price