CHUN Kwang-Young

Korean 1944

Born in 1944, in Kangwon-do, Korea, Chun graduated from Hong-Ik University in Korea in 1968, he later received a master's degree from the Philadelphia College of Art in 1971. Since 1968, Chun's works have been widely exhibited in his native country and in overseas art institutions, including International House Gallery in Philadelphia in 1971; Kamakura Gallery in Tokyo in 1987; Kim Foster Gallery in New York in 1999 and Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Connecticut in 2007. He has held solo exhibitions in Korea, including an exhibition in Gallery Hyundai in 1988 and Aggregation 2005 in Kukje Gallery in Seoul. Chun has won awards throughout his artistic life, including Special Prize in the Earth Art II 1973 sponsored by the Civic Centre Museum in Philadelphia as well as Silver Prize in the 27th Cheltenham Art Center Exhibition in 1974. In 2001, Chun received the prestigious artists of the year award from the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul. Chun's artworks are admired and collected by various prestigious institutions, for instance, National Museum of Contemporary Art in Korea, Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, Rockefeller Foundation in New York and The National Museum of Austria.

CHUN Kwang-Young Artworks
Aggregation 97-11
Mixed media with Korean mulberry paper
75 x 55 cm
424,000 - 636,000
100,000 - 150,000
12,900 - 19,400
Aggregation 07-D114
Mixed media with Korean mulberry paper
163 x 131 cm
2,050,000 - 2,870,000
500,000 - 700,000
66,700 - 93,300
Mixed media with Korean mulberry paper
82 x 118 cm
1,400,000 - 2,400,000
326,000 - 558,000
41,800 - 71,600
Sold Price