Tehching HSIEH (Sam HSIEH)

Taiwanese 1950

Born in Ping-Tung, Taiwan. Hsieh dropped out from high school in 1967 and took up painting. Hsieh had his first solo show at the gallery of the American News Bureau in Taiwan. He made a performance action "Jump Piece" in which he broke both of his ankles. Starting from 1978 to 1986, Hsieh made five One Year Performances. He spent one year locked inside a cage, one year punching a time clock every hour, one year completely outdoors, one year tied to another person, and, lastly, one year without making, viewing, discussing, reading about, or in any other way participating in art. "Thirteen Years Plan" was completed in 1999. Since the Millennium, he released from the restriction of not showing his works during the thirteen-year period and showing the work "I kept myself alive". 2010 "Kwangju Art Biennial", Korea; 2009 "Guggenheim in Hsinchu - Art Museum@The Art Park Grand Opening Exhibition", Taiwan; 2009 "Performance 1: Tehching Hsieh", New York.

Tehching HSIEH (Sam HSIEH) Artworks
One Year Performance (1978-1979)
1980 ; 1993
Print, statement and poster, edition no. 123/365
127 x 97 cm (print); 27.5 x 21.5 cm (statement);
44.5 x 28.5 cm (poster)
283,000 - 405,000
70,000 - 100,000
9,000 - 12,900
One Year Performance (1978-1979)
127 x 97 cm (print)
27.5 x 21.5 cm (statement)
44.5 x 28.5 cm (poster)
288,000 - 365,000
75,000 - 95,000
9,600 - 12,200
Sold Price
One Year Performance (1978-1999)
DVD published in 2000; Cage Piece created in 1980; print in 1993

DVD film and documents; statement and poster, print edition no. 87/365
127 x 97 cm (print)
27.5 x 21.5 cm (statement)
44.5 x 28.5 cm (poster)
580,000 - 770,000
150,000 - 200,000
19,100 - 25,500
One Year Performance 1978-79 (Cage Piece)
Created in 1980 (print in 1993)

Print, statement and poster, edition no. 88/365
126 x 95 cm (print)
26.5 x 20 cm (statement)
43 x 27 cm (poster)
100,000 - 150,000
25,000 - 40,000
3,300 - 5,300
Sold Price