LEE Ji-Hyun

Korean 1965

Born in Yecheon, Korea in 1965, graduated from BFA in Painting from Chung Ang University, Anseong, Korea, in 1990, and MFA in Painting from Graduated School of Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea in 1994. He is currently teaching at Chung Ang University, Anseong, Korea. He has participated in various international exhibitions such as 2009; "Sh Contemporary 09", Shanghai, China; "Hong Kong International Art Fair , Hong Kong; 2008 "KIAF - Korea International Art Fair", Seoul; "Asien Aktubell Asia Currently - Art from China, Japan and Korea", Deutschland; "Contemporary Korean Art-from National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea", London, UK; 2007 "Book, Muse of Artist", Korea. Solo exhibition "Dream of China - Korean Artist Lee Ji-Hyun Solo Exhibition" was held in Beijing last year. Award: 2007 Grand Prize, "The 1st Insa Art Festival, Insa-dong", Seoul, Korea; 2001 Selected, "The Program of Remarkable a new young Artist", Seoul, Korea. Lee Ji-Hyun is called "The writer of tear the book". He is famous in tearing the book into pieces of debris and then re-assembled it. The works of LEE Ji-Hyun is no longer books, but in artistic form.

LEE Ji-Hyun Artworks
Dreaming Book - Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor (double sided)
Old paper with special treatment
41(L) x 42(W) x 10(H) cm
80,000 - 140,000
22,000 - 38,000
2,900 - 5,000
Sold Price