SHI Yiran

Chinese 1983

Born in Inner Mongolia, graduated from the affiliated school of the China Academy of Arts in 2002 and received a bachelor degree with an oil painting major in the China Academy of Arts in 2006. She then pursuit further studies for the master course at the Third Studio, Oil Painting Department, China Academy of Arts. Exhibitions participated include: 2007 "Academy Exhibition Series – China Academy of Arts", Beijing; 2006 "National Senior Art Academy Teachers & Students Works Exhibition", Shenzhen; "FIRST EYES – The 3rd National Art Academy Graduate's Painting Exhibition", Shenzhen; "Joint Exhibition of Graduate Students from Sichuan Arts Institute & China Academy of Arts", Hangzhou; "Luo Zhongli Scholarship Awarded Art Work Exhibition", Chongqing; 2005 "Shape.Color", Zhejiang.

SHI Yiran Artworks
Amelie – 5 : The Top of the Building
Oil on canvas
140 x 160 cm
190,000 - 300,000
50,000 - 80,000
6,600 - 10,500