JI Lei

Chinese 1972

Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, graduated from the Fine Arts Institute of the Southwest Normal University with a master degree. He currently teaches in the Art College of Sichuan University. Main Exhibitions include: 2010 "Trailer", Beijing; 2009 "Touch" Chengdu; 2008 "True Colours-Chinese Painting Today, Shanghai; 2007 "Animamix: From Modernity to Eternity" Shanghai; 2005 "18 Contemporary Artists Living in Chengdu", Singapore; 2004 "New Experience Image Exhibition", Shanghai; 2003 "Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition", Beijing; 2002 "Sichuan Youth Art Exhibition", Chengdu; 2001 "Unusual Happiness Exhibition", Chengdu; 2000 "Watch, Emotion – Five People Easel Painting Exhibition", Chengdu; 1999 "Ninth National Art Exhibition", Chongqing.

JI Lei Artworks
Legend - Red Stone No. 2
Oil on canvas
150 x 190 cm
210,000 - 320,000
55,000 - 85,000
7,200 - 11,200