CHA Jong-rye

Korean 1968

Born in Daejeon, Korea in 1968, and graduated from Sculpture Ewha Women's University with B.F.A in 1992, then obtained M.F.A in Sculpture Graduate School of Ewha Women's University in 1996. Solo exhibitions: 1999 "The 1st Solo Exhibition", Seoul; 2004 "The 2nd Solo Exhibition", Seoul; 2007 "The 3rd Solo Exhibition", Seoul; 2008 "The 4th Solo Exhibition", U.S.A; 2011 "The 5th Solo Exhibition", Seoul; 2011 "The 6th Solo Exhibition", Taiwan. Selected group exhibitions: 2002 "Magamnews Installation Exhibition", Ansung; 2003 "Korean Women's Fine Art Association Exhibition", Seoul. 2004 "Neowa Sculpture Exhibition", Seoul; 2005 "Songeun Great Function", Seoul; 2006 "Magamnews Installation Exhibition", Seoul; 2007 "Korea-India Art Exchange" , India. 2008 "Neowa Sculpture Exhibition", Seoul; 2009 "Korean Aesthetics", U.K; 2010 "Neowa Sculpture Exhibition", Hong Kong. Cha's works have been collected by the Plaza Hotel and Sungkok Art Museum (Seoul) as permanent collections.

CHA Jong-rye Artworks
Expose Exposed 110810
Wooden sculpture
90 x 128 cm
450,000 - 550,000
110,000 - 134,000
14,400 - 17,500
Sold Price