Jumaldi ALFI

Indonesian 1972

Born in 1972 in Lintau, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Jumaldi graduated from Indonesian Institute of Arts, Yogyakarta. Jumaldi Alfi has consistently been exploring new possibilities in painting traditional Southeast Asian art. He gains great reputation with rewarded prizes includes: The Best Painting Awards, Indonesian Insitute of Art (ISI), Yogyakarata, Indonesia, Finalist of the 5th Indonesian Art Awards in 1999 and Finalist of the 10th Indonesian Art Awards. Selected group exhibitions: 2005 “Beauty & Terror”, Paris ; 2006 “Wedding: Tobacco & Art Magelang”, Central Java ; 2008 “Manifesto”, The National Gallery of Indonesia, Indonesia ; 2011 “Hong Kong International Art Fair 11”, Hong Kong ; “Unity: The return of Art”, Wendt Gallery, New York. Solo Exhibitions: 2008 “Color guide Series”, Indonesia; 2010 “Life/ Art # 101: Never Ending Lesson”, Singapore; 2011 “Nightswimmer”, Metis Gallery, Amsterdam.

Jumaldi ALFI Artworks
Serie Penanda Tanda #001 - Puisi Tanpa Makna (Marker Series: Sign #001 - Poetry Without Meaning)
Acrylic and charcoal on canvas
145 x 155 cm
615,000 - 846,000
160,000 - 220,000
20,600 - 28,300