Chinese 1979

Born in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, China, Kang graduated as Doctor of Fine Arts from School of Fine Arts Nanjing Normal University in 2010. He is well trained in school and is inevitable being recognized as “academism”. However, in comparison with his professors or seniors (the mainstay of ink wash paintings of the 1980’s) who are assumed to take responsible of the evolution of ink wash painting, Kang and his generation focus more on expressing personal feelings in their creation and less on the traditional Chinese art. Therefore, their works tend to reveal more characters. Kang’s ink wash paintings have the rare touch of classism which seems to be misplaced in the modern world, and convey a kind of atmosphere that is peaceful and leisured. Kang has won the gold medal in the 3rd Jiangsu Chinese Landscape Paintings, selected in the 10th National Exhibition of Arts, and also won the Fu Bao Shi Awards in Ink and Wash Media Triennial.
Selected exhibitions: 2003, “National Invitational Exhibition”, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Jiangsu, “Exhibition of Today’s Art”, Today Art Museum, Beijing; 2006, “Art Shanghai”, Shanghai; 2010, “Solo Exhibition of Kang Kai’s Ink and Wash Paintings”, My Humble House Art Gallery, Taipei.

KANG Kai Artworks
Forked Bridge
Ink and color on paper
66 x 69 cm
180,000 - 280,000
43,000 - 66,000
5,500 - 8,500
Scene in Mist
Ink and color on paper
58.5 x 121.5 cm
280,000 - 380,000
72,000 - 97,000
9,200 - 12,500