Chen Wan-Jen

Taiwanese 1982

Born in Hsinchu County, Taiwan in 1982, Chen graduated as B.A. from National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei; he then entered Graduate School of Art & Technology there. He was invited to participate in the Residency Program at the International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York in 2012. He was the winner of Grand Prize of Taipei Arts Awards in 2006. Chen tries to express himself via effective language and verbal communication, to reflect his personal experiences. He simply reenact a common scene that happens to spark our imagination, just so we could retain the transient moments.
Selected solo exhibitions:
2011, “To hell with your future”, IT Park Gallery, Taipei; “The extraordinary ordinary”, VT Artsalon, Taipei; 2008, “Unconsciousness Voyage”, AKI Gallery, Taipei.
Major group exhibitions:
2012, “The First CAFAM.Future Exhibition”, The Art Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, “Down the Rabbit Hole”, White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney; 2011, “Arte da Taiwan-Taiwan Contemporary Art”, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genova, Italy; “Tokyo Frontline, Exchange-Microclimate”, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo; 2010, “Stand-In Techniques - New Taiwanese video style”, Gallery 456, New York, “The 7th Busan International Video Festival”, Busan, Korea; 2009, “SuperGeneration@TAIWAN”, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai / Today Art Museum, Beijing, “Taiwanpics.doc”, Ecole nationale supériere des beaux-arts de Paris, Paris; 2007, “Urban Nomad Project”, Scope Basel, Basel, Swiss.

Chen Wan-Jen Artworks
Video installation, edition no.1/5
Length:2' (loop)
130,000 - 240,000
32,000 - 59,000
4,100 - 7,600
Platform 2
2006 - 2008
Video installation, edition no. 2/5
180,000 - 260,000
46,000 - 66,000
5,900 - 8,500
Sold Price