Chinese 1974

Born in Jiangsu in 1974. He graduated from the Nanjing Art Institute in 2000 with a degree in Computer Technology, finished fine art BA studies by himself from 2004 to 2005. Now he is devoted to digital art and art education. Exhibitions: 2009 "Art Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of the P. R. of China”, Jiangsu; 2010 "New York Art Fair”, NY; 2010 "Study and Breakthrough—the 2nd Small Size Oil Painting Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 2010 "Representational Art Exhibition of Youth Artists”; 2011 "Charm of Classic—Art of Youth Invited”; 2012 "New Representational Art Exhibition” National Art Museum of China, Beijing.

MA JING HU Artworks
Women in Red
2008 - 2009
Oil on canvas
130.5 x 105.3 cm (51 3/8 x 41 1/2 in.)
706,000 - 1,020,000
180,000 - 260,000
23,200 - 33,500