Wang Yan Cheng

Chinese 1960

Wang Yan Cheng was born in Guangdong province, China in 1960. He graduated from the Shandong Institute of Fine Arts in Yantai in 1985; he then studied in the Chinese Central Institute of Fine Arts between 1986 to 1988; Wang then moved to France to complete his studies at the Saint-Etienne Plastic Arts University, from 1990 to 1992. In 2013, he received Officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government.
Major solo exhibitions: 2011, “Wang Yan Cheng. Peintures récentes”, Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris, France; 2010, Galerie des Tuiliers, Lyon, France, “Walk on the Wide Side”, Gallery The Peak Suite, Hong-Kong; 2009, “Wang Yan Cheng, œuvres récentes, Galerie Patrice Trigano, Paris, France; 2008, “Œuvres récentes”, Galerie Protée, Paris, France; 2006, Centre culturel de Chine à Paris, France; 2005, Galerie Italia, Alicante, Spain; 2003, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, China; 2000, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China.

Wang Yan Cheng Artworks
Fenêtre, plante et grenade
Oil on canvas
120 x 120 cm
500,000 - 600,000
130,000 - 155,000
16,600 - 19,900
Sans titre
Oil on canvas
150 x 150 cm
14,000,000 - 18,000,000
3,751,000 - 4,592,000
459,800 - 591,100
Sold Price