JIN Shangyi

Chinese 1934

Jin Shangyi was born in Henan, and graduated from the Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 1953. He completed his training class of oil painting directed by the Soviet master Konastantin Maksimov in 1957, and retained to teach sketching and printmaking at CAFA. Jin was the president of CAFA and standing councilor of Chinese Artists’ Association. Jin’s works are in the collection of major museums: National Museum of China、China Art Palace in Shanghai、Liu Haisu Art gallery、Central Academy of Fine Arts. Famous works include Tajik Bride; Painter; Portrait of Huang Binhong、Qu Qiubai. In 1984 his oil painting “Qu Qiubai” was shown in the Sixth National Art Works Exhibition and received a silver medal.

JIN Shangyi Artworks
Sketch of Portrait
Charcoal on paper
53 x 38 cm
202,000 - 324,000
50,000 - 80,000
6,400 - 10,300