HSIAO Ming-Hsien (HSIAO Long)

Taiwanese 1936

Born in Nantou in 1936, Hsiao Ming-hsien is also known as Hsiao Long. In 1952, he entered the division of art at the Taiwan Provincial Taipei Normal Education School (now the National Taipei University of Education) and became the junior of artists Chen Dao-Ming, and Hsiao Chin. In the same year, he was introduced by Hsiao Chin to study painting with Lee Chun-shan in Lee’s art studio. He was the youngest one among the fellow students in Lee Chun-shan’s art studio. After graduating from the Taipei Normal Education School in 1955, he started teaching in Huaxing High School. In 1956, he was selected in the “National Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition” as well as the “Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition.” In the following year, he was selected as the national representative to participate in Sao Paulo International Biennial Exhibit in Brazil and received the Honorary Award as the first Taiwanese artist who won the national art award. In 1960, he won the first prize of “Hong Kong International Salon” In 1964, he went to Europe for the two-year studies at Ecoles des beaux-arts in France, and moved to America in 1969 and has lived there until now. Hsiao Ming-hsien is a member of the “Eastern Painting Group”, a modern art movement in the post-war Taiwan. His abstract paintings are greatly influenced by Paul Klee and yet he adopts the philosophy of Chinese ink painting together with abstract painting.

HSIAO Ming-Hsien (HSIAO Long) Artworks
Oil on canvas
50 x 70 cm
223,000 - 344,000
55,000 - 85,000
7,100 - 11,000