Indonesian 1919 - 2002

Widayat was born in Indonesia in 1919 in the colonial era. His works often revolve around genesis. Due to his training at the Indonesian Fine Art Academy Yogyakarta, one of the two main schools of the mid-20th century Indonesian art. Widayat experienced the naturalistic landscape of the beautiful Indies early on in his artistic career when he was under the apprenticeship for Mulyono, who supplied souvenir landscape paintings in Bandung, West Java. Widayat was exposed to the wilderness of the Sumatran jungles with its incredible variety of vegetation and avian lives. His painting garnered an award from the National Council on Culture in 1972. Widayat began receiving attention on a national level as early as the 1950s, his works were later exhibited in Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands and the United States in the 90s.

Haji WIDAYAT Artworks
Flora and Fauna
Oil on canvas
150 x 200 cm
1,862,000 - 2,834,000
460,000 - 700,000
59,300 - 90,300