Chinese 1965

Yan Lei was born in Hebei, China, in 1965. He graduated from the China Academy of Art in 1991. Yan currently lives and works between Beijing and Hong Kong. His works have been exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions.

Selected Solo Exhibition:
2015 “Rêverie” Red Brick Contemporary Art Museum, Beijing, China
2011 “Baroque” Tang Contemporary Art – Beijing, Beijing, China
2010 “EXTRA—Yan Lei Solo Exhibition” Madrid, Spain
2009 “Sparkling—upgraded” UCCA, Beijing, China
2008 “Sparkling—Aspen” Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, USA
2008 “Sparkling—Yan Lei Artworks” Xin Beijing Gallery, Beijing, China
2007 “Yan Lei Solo Exhibition” Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
2007 “Dogzstar Project” Gallery Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
2007 “Support” Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China
2006 “Super Light—Hong Kong” HK Art Centre, Hong Kong, China
2005 “Super Light” Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
2003 “Climbing Space” Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
2002 “Yan Lei Solo Exhibition” Galerie Loft, Paris, France
2001 “International Scenery” China Art Archives & Warehouse, Beijing, China
1999 “At the Frontiers of Capitalism” Museum of Site Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
1995 “Invasion” Beijing Junior Art Theatre, Beijing, China

Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2016 “M + Sigg Collection—Forty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art” M + Museum, Hong Kong, China
2015 “Void: There’s nothing more left, but a little trace from Human Being.” Ginkgo Space, Beijing, China
2015 “The Boundaries of Order” Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2014 “Cosmos - finite and infinite, existence and coexistence” Shanghai 21st century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2014 “Fusion.Convergence” Tianrenheyi Art Centre, Hangzhou, China

YAN Lei Artworks
Climbing Space Series – Cantor Arts Exhibition Center A
Acrylic on canvas
131 x 198.5 cm
294,000 - 462,000
70,000 - 110,000
9,000 - 14,200