LAM Tian Xing

Chinese 1963

Lam Tian Xing was born in Fujian, China; Lam had moved to Hong Kong since 1984. Lam Tian Xing, formerly named Lam Sin, also known as “Master of the Hall of Boundlessness,” is a contemporary ink color painter. In 1978, Lam began to study Western and Chinese painting under painters such as Wu Gouguang, Lin Guang, Chen Ting, and Liu Mu. In 1990, Lam graduated from the Chinese Painting Department at Central Academy of Fine Arts. He used to teach in the First Institute of Art and Design during 1991 to 1998. He is now the chairman of Hong Kong International Exchange of Artist and Culture Association, a member of China Artists Association, a researcher of Li Keran Academy of Painting, and a visiting artist of Shenzhen Fine Art Institute

Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2014 “Tianxing.Lotus.Tibet” Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shenzhen, China
2013 “Lotus.Tian Xing” Singing Waves Gallery, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
2013 “Spirit.Tian Xing” Lotus Art Museum, Beijing, China
2012 “Ink Paintings by Lam Tian Xing” San Shi Xuen, Hong Kong, China
2012 “The Joyous Lotus - Korea Debut Solo Exhibition of Chinese Ink Master Lam Tian Xing” The K Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2011 “Realm of Soul” Fabbica Borroni, Milan, Italy
2011 “Lotus Vista” Gallery by the Harbour City, Hong Kong, China
2010 “The Divine Lotus” Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong, China
2009 “Calligraphy Exhibition of Tian Xing Lam” Lotus in Tian Xing Gallery, Hong Kong, China
2008 “Exhibition of Lam Tian Xing” Color in Tian Xing, Hong Kong, China
2007 “Ink and Color by Lam Tian Xing” Yang Gallery, Hong Kong, China
2006 “Beyond Green of Lam Tian Xing” 3 Pacific Place, Hong Kong, China
2006 “Tian Xing in New Territories” State of the Arts Gallery, Florida, U.S.A.
2005 “The Lotus of My Heart, Creation Art Gallery, Beijing
2005 “Lotus and Landscape” Hsin Chu County cultural Centre, Hsin Chu, Taiwan
2004 “Tian Xing in Tibet” State of The Arts Gallery, Florida, U.S.A.
2002 “Shining Tibet” Creation Art Gallery, Beijing, China
2001 “Cityscapes” Modern Arts Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan

Selected Group Exhibitions:
2014 “Hong Kong Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition” Beijing Fine Art Academy, Beijing, China
2014 “Wan.Ink.Art-Joint Chinese Paintings Exhibition” Wan Fung Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China
2013 “The First Exhibition of Li Keran Academy of Painting” National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2013 “Urban Hermits” Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong, China
2011 “Spring Outing on Paper-A Group Chinese Painting Exhibition” Montaigne Gallery, Shanghai, China
2005 “Ink Impressions” Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong, China
2005 “Contemporary Chinese Brush Paintings Exhibition by Jinling Media” Jiangsu Art Academy Gallery, Jiangsu, China
2002 “Hong Kong Cityscapes—Ink Painting in Transition” Brunei Gallery, University of London, London, U.K.
2000 “Chinese Paintings Exhibition” Liu Haisu Museum, Nanjing, China
2000 “Twilight Journey- Tibet” the Fringe Club, Hong Kong, China
2000 “Identities: Art in Hong Kong SAR Government Collections Abroad” Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, China
1996 “Taiwan1996 International Art Exchange Exhibition” Gaoxiong Cultural Centre, Gaoxiong, Taiwan
1995 “Hong Kong Modern Art Exhibition” Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
1988 “Monaco International Painting Exhibition” Monaco Museum of Art, Monaco City, Monaco

LAM Tian Xing Artworks
Gazing Afar
Ink and color on paper
43.5 x 52.5 cm
202,000 - 294,000
48,000 - 70,000
6,200 - 9,000
Sold Price