Scottish 1974

Georgia RUSSELL was born in Elgin, Scotland. She now lives and works in Méru, France. Russell graduated from the Royal College of Art in London with a Master’s degree in printmaking in 2000. Russell creates her artwork primarily with scalpels. She was awarded with the Aurora Prize for Fine Art by London Royal College of Art in 2000. Public institutions which have collected Russell’s work included Aberdeen Hospitals in Aberdeen, and Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2016 “Mit dem Messer gezeichnet Skulptured and Bildkorper von Georgia Russell”, Pfalzgalerie, Germany
2016 “Georgia Russell”, Bayer Kultur, Germany
2015 “Georgia Russell, Art with a Scalpel”, Het Noordbrabandts Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch Museum, Netherlands
2015 “Georgia Russell”, Lippische Gesellschaft fur Kunst e.V., Schloss, Detmold, Germany
2013 “Georgia Russell. Forms of Belief”, Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Germany
2011 “Georgia Russell. Difference and Repetition”, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
2011 “Georgia Russell. Cutting Through Time”, England & Co, London, England
2010 “Georgia Russell”, Galerie Dukan & Hourdequin, Marseille, France
2009 “Georgia Russell. Recent Work”, Contemporary by Angela Li, Hong Kong, China
2005 “Georgia Russell”, The American University of Paris, Paris, France
2002 “Georgia Russell. Paper Constructions & Bookworks”, England & Co, London, England

Selected Group Exhibitions:
2015 “Beyond Horizon-Reflexion on the horizontal line”, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
2014 “Accrochage”, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France/ Galerie Karsten Greve AG, St. Moritz, Switzerland
2014 “Artist Rooms”, Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Germany
2010 “On Paper II”, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, France
2009 “Slash-Paper Under the Knife”, Museum of Art & Design, New York, USA
2009 “Cut It Out. Contemporary Paper Cut Artists”, Otter Gallery, Chichester/ Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton, England
2009 “The Book Borrowers. Contemporary Artists Transforming the Book”, Bellevue Arts Museum, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
2009 “Novel Ideas”, Oakville Galleries, Ontario, Canada
2008 “Imaginative Qualities of Actual Things”, Price Tower Arts Center, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
2002 “The Map Is Not the Territory II”, England & Co, London, England
1999 “Interim Art”, Royal College of Art, London, England
1999 “Absolute Vodka Exhibition”, Royal College of Art, London, England
1998 “Aberdeen Artists”, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland

Cut prints on Kozo paper, plexiglas
100 (L) x 135 (W) x 16 (H) cm
1,008,000 - 1,513,000
240,000 - 360,000
30,900 - 46,400