Japanese 1981

SHU Ohno was born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1981, and graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Tokyo in 2006 with an MFA in Sculpture. He moved to New York in September 2012, and currently works at his studio in Brooklyn, NY, frequently exhibiting in the US and Asia.

SHU discusses the source of his inspiration: “I create form which comes from impulse. The impulse comes from vision and desire together. Thus, the work which comes as a response to this unplanned, organic behavior is shaped by a sense of human flaw, it does not have the perfection of a machine, and nor do I.” He states that in the process of creation, he becomes aware of missing parts within himself, and through art identifies these parts and fills them. He believes that many of his fans and audience can identify with this reaction to his works, an undeniably chemistry that is difficult to explain in words.

SHU OHNO Artworks
Our Forgotten Home Task (Music)
Acrylic on canvas
53.2 x 46 cm
190,000 - 280,000
47,000 - 69,000
6,000 - 8,900
Sold Price