French 1907 - 1990

In retrospect, Yves Brayer bough up in Bourges, the artist set out for the academies in Ecole des Beaux-Arts upon his arrival in Paris in 1924 and was encouraged by masters such as Jean- Louis Forain. The artist’s acclaim began early on when his works were displayed at the Salon d'Automne and the Salon des Indépendant while he was still a student. Yves Brayer was awarded a scholarship and headed for Spain in 1927, this place remains integral as his experience at the Prado museum would subsequently have a great impact on his artistic developments. In 1934, he assembles his work for an exhibition at the Galerie Charpentier, faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris, the reception was positively received for the young 27-year-old painter. In 1940 Brayer settled in Cordes sur Ciel in the department of Tarn. When he returned to Paris in 1942, Jacques Rouché appointed Brayer costume-and-set designer for a ballet at the Opera de Paris. It is at this very same place where a museum dedicated to his work would be opened, in 1960.

Yves BRAYER Artworks
Solobreña, Espagne
Oil on canvas
97 x 130 cm
750,000 - 1,100,000
185,000 - 272,000
23,900 - 35,000