Antonio CLAVÉ

Spanish 1913 - 2005

Antoni Clavé was born in Barcelona in 1913. Being one of the most representative Spanish artist in France after the Spanish Civil War, influenced by Pierre Bonnard of Les Nabis in his early work, Clavé met with Picasso in 1944 and inspired by the African art. The subject is more about cavalier literary, clown, Toreador and still-live. Clavé moved to south of France in 1965. Since the end of 1970’s, he turned into abstract expression emphasizing the layer by using multi-materials and collage technique. In 1978, the Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris held the great retrospective exhibition of Clavé. The Barcelona city council commissioned the artist to create a 13 meter sculptural installation for the Universal Exposition of 1988. In 2008, the Fondation Beyeler in Switzerland held a major retrospective exhibition for the artist. In 2012, the Kiyoharu Art Village in Yamanashi, Japan invited architecture maestro Andou Tadao to design the Museum of Light CLAVE GALERIE to permenantly present his work.

Antonio CLAVÉ Artworks
Guerrier aux feuilles
Oil on canvas
147 x 113.5 cm
2,400,000 - 3,600,000
617,000 - 925,000
79,500 - 119,300