Japanese 1973

Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1973, Fukahori Ryusuke graduated from the Faculty of Art at Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music with a major in Crafts Design. He was plummeted into the alltime low of his lifetime after quitting from a design company in 1999. In 2002, he began creating 3D painting and resin productions of goldfish, and has since completed many goldfish-related artworks. Goldfish symbolizes "wealth" and "happiness." As the goldfish swims elegantly through the water, it exhibits to the world the beauty and charm of its every movement and posture. It is a fish to be appreciated, a fish that is inspiring, graceful, and auspicious all at the same time. In terms of aesthetic conceptualization, Fukahori Ryusuke adopted the concept of "superflat" proposed by Takashi Murakami and combined it with the perspective method of traditional Japanese painting, or rather the "non-perspective method,” an approach that emphasizes the contours of objects and figures and outlines the "facet" seen from a particular vantage point within three-dimensional space. The goldfish in the water, swimming purposelessly between two and three-dimensional realms, is supposed to be three-dimensional and yet appears to be flat. This is precisely the inexpressible three-dimensional beauty that Fukahori Ryusuke hopes to create through his works.

Riusuke FUKAHORI Artworks
Goldfish (AKENOYU)
Acrylic and epoxy resin, wooden container
Diameter: 33 cm
320,000 - 480,000
82,000 - 123,000
10,600 - 15,900
Sold Price