
1980 - 1989

Ink and color on paper

67 x 67 cm

Signed lower left Lin Fengmian in Chinese With one seal of the artist

5,600,000 - 8,000,000
1,321,700 - 1,888,100
169,500 - 242,200
Sold Price

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2007


LIN Fengmian (Chinese, 1900 - 1991)


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Lin Fengmian, Chung Kiu Chinese Products Emporium Ltd., Hong Kong, 1990

Lin Fengmian, Dragon Art Museum, Kaohsiung, 1993

Lin Fengmian, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, 1995


Album of Lin Fengmian, Mountain Arts Culture and Education Foundation, Kaohsiung, 1995, color illustrated, p. 28

Selection of The Mountain Group Museum - Treasure in the Mountain, The Mountain Group Museum, Kaohsiung, 2000, color illustrated, p. 30

Catalogue Note:

The lady painting style under the brush of Lin Fengmian is generally divided into two categories. One is outlined with ink, before being dyed with ink and color. Its style is close to traditional lady. The other is colored ink painted, with a tint of shine, body daubed plane for emphasizing consistency and ink and white powder used to outline the clothes, depicting a semi-concrete and semiabstract environment and creating a hazy sentiment. Obviously, the creation style of this "Lady" belongs to the latter. Lin Fengmian made use of brush, rice paper and elegant color to capture a seeable yet untouchable beauty, transmitting gentleness and elegance of orient women through posture and disposition, simple but elegant, as charming as a poem and dream; his picturesque style of painting as well as the sense of form and sentiment was relevant to the painter's absorption of transparency and purity of porcelain of Song Dynasty. In the painting, charming elegance, sense of modernism and airs of the beautiful woman should be relevant to physiological experience and remote reminiscence of his youth.

Generally, image of lady under the brush of Lin Fengmian has some features of formality. Most appear goose-egg face, slight eyes, slender eyebrows, small mouth, long neck and white skin. Lin Fengmian also liked outlining the clothes with white powder, so as to present lightness and transparency of the gauze clothes, depicting the typical women with thin clothes and light weight, which is just presented by a few strokes. In "Lady", what Lin Fengmian mainly explored is a formal language. All the ladies, vase flowers and furnishings obtains relatively independent aesthetic connotation in terms of color and composition and ultimately tends to abstract interest, presenting mellow sense of lyricism and strong color of expressionism.