New Plants Grew in Black Water - Progressive Tense 4


Oil on canvas

80 x 100 cm

Titled on the reverse New Plants Grew in Black Water- Progressive Tense 4 in Chinese, dated 1993

350,000 - 450,000
89,700 - 115,400
12,100 - 15,500
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2008


YANG Ren-ming (Taiwanese, b. 1962)

New Plants Grew in Black Water - Progressive Tense 4

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Catalogue Note:

Yang Ren-Ming's "New Plants Grew in Black Water" series implies the relationship between the outer environment and inner emotions through the black water, in the picture, black water is dark and gloomy, it's a big swirl of chaos which expands those symbols into entities with characteristics, strong limbs and hard shapes, this is what the artist wants to reply to the world of black water. The symbols of black water are in shapes of saw tooth and swirls, they are sharp as usual. At the center of the picture he created an organic plant through cold, industrial symbols. This kind of presentation truly confuses the viewers, leaves plenty of room for imagination for viewers, one the other hand, the reflection of the society inside the picture as well expands, develops, this is due to that fact that it refuses to be judged or to be inferred with an simple annotation.

In Yang's early "New Plants Grew in Black Water- Progressive Tense 4" we see concrete symbols which created from abstract conscience swirls in the "Black Water" as a reply to Taiwan's current politics and the society in the eyes of the artist, cone, saw tooth shapes entwine into a "New Plant" suggests the endurance of the New Taiwanese to strive upward.