Plum Tree and Birds

Ink and color on paper

34 x 34.5 cm

Signed lower right Lin Fengmian in Chinese With one seal of the artist

1,000,000 - 1,800,000
239,000 - 429,000
30,600 - 55,100
Sold Price

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006


LIN Fengmian (Chinese, 1900 - 1991)

Plum Tree and Birds

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Lin Fengmian, Lin & Keng Gallery, Taipei, June 11- July 3, 2005


Sotheby's Taipei sale, April 19, 1998, lot 28

Acquired directly from the above sale by the present owner.

Catalogue Note:

Lin Fengmian's birds, whether depicted sitting in the treetops, resting in the moonlight or singing in the early dawn, are poised and peaceful. Calm and assured, they are detached from the noisy complications of the ordinary world. This type of harmonious beauty represents a world of magnificence and tranquility. This is where the weary soul can take refuge and balance can be achieved. This painting, "plum Tree and Birds" depicts lively birds and branches drawn with powerful, sharp lines, creating a rich variation in space. The artistic conception is purely Chinese in its elegant refinement and full of human spirit.