Fishing Boats

Ink and color on paper

66 x 66 cm

Signed lower left Lin Fengmian in Chinese

With one seal of the artist

7,800,000 - 9,800,000
2,026,000 - 2,545,000
262,600 - 330,000

Ravenel Spring Auction 2012 Taipei


LIN Fengmian (Chinese, 1900 - 1991)

Fishing Boats

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Jiann Chyn Gai Art Center, Taipei

Acquired directly from the above by the present owner

Catalogue Note:

An art critic once said that "A painter combines the spiritual essence of heaven and earth with the wondrous imaginings of the human soul." This description is definitely applicable to Lin Fengmian. When viewing Lin's works, it is as though all of creation was present, and imbued with a sense of harmonious reflection. The subject matter of Lin's paintings is extremely varied, with the most common themes including court ladies, "bird and flower" paintings, and landscapes. As a young man, Lin experienced considerable hardships, and was constantly on the move (with periods of residence in Shanghai and Chongqing). He spent a considerable amount of time on the banks of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and the Jialing River, whose magnificent mountain and river scenery, as well as the numerous boats to be seen on the rivers, was bound to leave an indelible impression on any artist. Many of Lin Fengmian's later landscape paintings took their subject matter from Lin's memories of this time.

This painting, "Fishing Boats," probably reflects these memories of river scenes from Lin's youth. The painting employs the "rectangular matrix" composition that is so typical of Lin's work, along with a "middle distance" perspective (one of the "three distances" of traditional Chinese painting). In the foreground, white waves can be seen on the surface of the dark waters, while in the center of the canvas fishing boatss cut through the water. The fishing boatss gradually recede into the distance, creating a layered effect. The spare, succinct lines and patches of color combine to create a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere, while diagonal and curving lines add a sense of motion and energy to the scene. This is basically an ink painting, with color playing a supporting role. At first glance, it appears to be a pure ink brush painting, but closer examination reveals traces of color; the painting in face makes use of a rich variety of color tones, with clear, distinct layering. Without question, this is one of Lin Fengmian's finest landscape paintings.