Little Girl with Animals


Acrylic on canvas

100 x 150 cm

Signed lower right Ayako Rokkaku in Japanese and dated 2009

380,000 - 600,000
98,000 - 154,000
12,600 - 19,900
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2017


Ayako ROKKAKU (Japanese, b. 1982)

Little Girl with Animals

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Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam
Private collection, Europe

Catalogue Note:

Rokkaku Ayako formally embarked upon the path of painting and creativity in 2002, using painting techniques and skills that were purely self-taught. In 2006, she was awarded the Akio Goto Prize at GEISAI#10, an event that propelled her into the limelight and enabled her to become one of the most sought-after talented young painters on the Japanese art scene. Rokkaku Ayako's artistic style is extremely distinctive: she does not first form the outline in pencil, nor does she set out a mental scheme or layout; all of her works are improvised creations. She does not make use of brushes or utensils; instead, she dips her fingers into paint and draws directly on cardboard or canvas. Her works give off a unique and inherent sense of Japanese anime. At first glimpse, the subject of the painting appears simple but is actually imbued with a wealth of narrative elements just as the girl depicted in the painting is also part of a larger narrative. Rokkaku Ayako has retained a child-like style wherein she uses her unique painting techniques to depict a world of innocence and color. Painting straight with her fingers, using the most primitive techniques and the most simple of imageries, she has created many scenes of loveliness and pure simplicity.

Little Girl with Animals was created in her usual fashion where the main subject is a little girl with big eyes and long arms. For depictions of such subject matters, the artist typically employs a close-up technique. Before we learned to use pens and paint brushes, we all already knew how to draw using our hands, it is in our nature. This artwork boldly employs florescent blues, pinks and greens as the secondary colors, while the dynamic, bustling imagery is created using fluid colorful lines. The scene of innocent purity is full of unspoken emotions, a characteristic in which the artist’s greatest strength lies. Small, red, almost stamplike animals roam visibly and vibrantly across the painting, instilling a sense of childlike naiveté, liveliness, and vitality. The scene is unforgettable; even though we don't know who the little girl is, the remarkable style is already deeply branded into our consciousness.