Accord Parfait


Oil on canvas

130 x 190 cm

Signed lower right CHU TEH-CHUN in Chinese and French, dated 07
Signed on the reverse CHU TEH-CHUN in Chinese and French, titled Accord parfait, and dated 2007

30,000,000 - 40,000,000
7,712,000 - 10,283,000
994,000 - 1,325,400
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2017 Taipei


CHU Teh-chun (Chinese-French, 1920 - 2014)

Accord Parfait

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Chu Teh-chun, Marlborough Gallery, Madrid, November 20,
2007-Jannary 5, 2008
Chu Teh-chun 88 Retrospective, National Museum of History,
Taipei, September 19-November 23, 2008

CHU Teh-chun, Marlborough Gallery, Madrid, 2007, color illustrated, p. 6
CHU Teh-chun, 88 Retrospective, National Museum of History, Taipei, Thin Chang Corporation, Taipei, 2008, color illustrated, p. 255

Catalogue Note:
Chu Teh-chun was already over 90 years old when he began this large scale artwork, but his physical decline and growing weakness never became obstacles to his creativity. On the contrary, the advancement of age only honed his imperturbable spirit and added to his insurmountable wisdom. In this piece, deep blue and ink black merge into a serene, mysterious world far far away, like the deep silence at the birth of the universe, while large strokes of colorful gem-like squares dance and converge rhythmically, creating a peaceful, joyous atmosphere. Like rays of sunlight that shine upon the darkness of the earth in times of chaos, the painting embodies hopes of infinite life and perpetual harmony. Accord Parfait is like a structurally complete symphony with colors that come and go like changeful yet resounding melodies, sometimes loud and sonorous, other times soft and soothing. Then out bursts a mesmerizing solo before it is joined by other musical tones to form a strong, powerful symphony that fascinates and allures, tugs at heartstrings, and inspires vivid yearnings. In this piece, Chu Teh-chun uses broad, sweeping brushstrokes to display his profound knowledge of eastern culture. His brushstrokes appear to have physical form, but have in fact completely incorporated the essence of western abstract art. He expertly navigates between the two cultures, interweaves them with each other, and deftly transforms clash and conflict into creations of incomparable beauty. The contrast between light and dark in Accord Parfait is riveting as the divide between color and brushstroke melts away, leaving only mellow elegance and graceful refinement. In comforting and joyous layers, the artist adds blocks of color in various sizes, creating layers upon layers that reach into the deep and mysterious blue. Like gemstones of sheer brilliance, or flowers in full, vibrant bloom, the multitude of hues inspires viewers with marvel at the artist's masterful use of color blocks. It is in this charming, intimate space with its surging, colorful intensity that Chu Teh-chun's extraordinary attention to detail is most stunning and remarkable. Upon close observation of Chu Teh-chun's Accord Parfait, one is able to see that he has not only created a graceful melody of ease and composure, but also dreamlike scenery that mesmerizes in both color and form. The piece depicts the artist’s sweetest memories, which he has so selflessly shared with the world, and is a masterpiece among the artist's later abstract works.