A Self-Portrait


Oil on canvas

38 x 27 cm

Signed lower right Zhou Chunya in Chinese and dated 1981

3,600,000 - 5,500,000
933,000 - 1,425,000
119,600 - 182,700
Sold Price

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2017


ZHOU Chunya (Chinese, b. 1955)

A Self-Portrait

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Zhou Chunya, Timezone 8, Shanghai, 2010,color illustrated, pp. 86-87

Catalogue Note:

In 1981, Zhou Chunya painted a self-portrait using the same rough brush strokes and earthy brown colors as those of his colored Tibetan sketches. The difference was that canvas was used as the base for this painting, allowing him to pile on colors more easily and create rich layers in the texture of his skin. The artist in the painting is lean yet handsome, his silent lips hinting at his heart of steel. His refusal to ask the world to understand the roaring fervency of his passion is fully embodied in thick, black brows pinched together ever so slightly. His eyes are aglow with a burning gaze, the whites distinct from his pupils, exhibiting an air of confidence and assurance. Art is where Zhou Chunya’s passion and accomplishments lie. The young artist had at this time already gave the art scene a taste of his exquisite talent while he finishe the canvas. However, he was far from satisfied from his accomplishments and wanted to explore even more possibilities, which is why his eyes burn strongly with expectation and a questioning curiosity.

“A Self Portrait” displays the artist’s mastery of light and dark, a gift shaped by the sunlight and vibrant colors of the prairies. His face glows against the dark background, his eyes sharp, while the bright, yellow skin of his neck is in stark contrast with the blue of his vest. The dark green colors at his nape perfectly balance out the bright, muddy yellow tones of the right side of his face. From within the thick oils, fluid brush strokes, and carefully balanced composition emerges a young artist whose potential cannot be tamed, foretelling Zhou Chunya’s imperturbable confidence even in face of the groundbreaking works of the European masters or the contemporary Chinese art movement that was taking the whole world by storm. He has always been loyal to his emotions, and upheld the commitment to stand by his instincts and natural inclinations throughout his artistic journey.