

Oil on canvas

143.5 x 95 cm

Signed lower right Chiu Ya-tsai in Chinese

3,000,000 - 4,000,000
777,000 - 1,036,000
99,600 - 132,800
Sold Price

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2017


CHIU Ya-tsai (Taiwanese, 1949 - 2013)


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Catalogue Note:
In 1994, Chiu Ya-tsai was just 45 years old, an artist in his prime and also a prolific writer. As a romantic, scholarly artist and author, Chiu exhibited his immense talent in both painting and the written text. Not only did he shine in the world of art, it was in this very year that he won the Wu Zhuoliu Literary Award for his accomplishments in literary writing. Despite all these achievements, he had never been able to attain the love he desired, a sensual kind of ardor that bordered on overflowing lust.

Chiu Ya-tsai had never hesitate to reveal his fondness and obsession toward love and women. Stroke by stroke, dreams unrequited and beautiful women has come to life upon his canvas; word by word, he had manifested his thoughts and yearnings through pen and paper. 1994 was also the year in which Chiu Ya-tsai held his solo exhibition titled “Ladies of the East District.” Whether it is young ladies costumed with makeup that would appear strolling late at night along Zhongxiao East Road or fashionably flamboyant women with alluring figures, he would recreate these subjects on his canvas through observations colored with wistful admiration. This piece, “Lady,” can be regarded as an extension of the “Ladies of the East District” series; her fashionable clothing, arched brows, almond eyes and lightly applied makeup reveal quiet, leisurely grace; meanwhile, through the amalgamation of western and eastern creative approaches, the artist had incorporated the thoughts that aroused his inspiration to lay bare for the world to see his deepest adorations and unattainable yearnings.