

Ink and colour on paper, framed

83 x 43.5 cm

With one seal of the artist

600,000 - 900,000
162,000 - 243,000
20,700 - 31,000

Ravenel Spring Auction 2018


YU Cheng-yao (Taiwanese, 1898 - 1993)


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Han Tang Arts & Culture Center, Taipei
Private Collection, Asia

Catalogue Note:
In this painting, the criss-crossing lines accentuate the texture of rocks at the front and lightly depict the forms of the distant mountains. The traversing lines and the use of colour reflect the humble character of the artist and a true appreciation of nature, which truly reflects the character of a Chinese literati.

Yu Cheng-yao (1898-1933) began his art practice at the age of 56 and participated in exhibitions in the US for two years. In his retired life, he gained an accomplished fame in music research, thus becoming one of the
few literati who excelled in poems, calligraphy, paintings and music.

The paintings featured in this Sale are depicted with Yu's typical style and structure. Despite Yu's deviances with traditional painting practices, the mountainous characteristics carry the same idealistic qualities as traditional Chinese paintings.