Portrait d’une jeune fille


Gouache, pastel, crayon and mixed media on carton

33 x 21 cm

Signed upper left Modigliani

16,000,000 - 24,000,000
4,113,000 - 6,170,000
526,100 - 789,200
Sold Price

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2018


Amedeo MODIGLIANI (Italian, 1884 - 1920)

Portrait d’une jeune fille

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Madame L. Charpentier, Paris, 1919-1937 (acquired directly from the artist)
Madame Ribas, Emilio Ribas, Barcelona, 1937-app. 1966
Welters van Hattum, Dutch collection, from app.1968 (Vice Consul of the Netherlands)
Private collection, Europe (from the late 1970s till now)
Works by Amedeo Modigliani in Dutch Possession, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Netherlands, March 15-May 5, 1968
Works by Amedeo Modigliani in Dutch Possession, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Netherlands, 1968, no.1, pp.12-13
Collection Welters van Hattum, Netherlands, no.2
This work is to be sold with a copy of confirmation letter from Jean Cocteau to Madame Ribas signed in 1961, as well as a certificate of authenticity signed by Arthur S. Pfannstiel, the expert for Modigliani’s art in 1966.
Catalogue Note:
Amedeo Modigliani, a handsome artist from Italy, was known as the Prince of Monpanasse in the begging of 20th centuries. The Tate Modern Museum, London, held a grand retrospective exhibition of Modigliani, for the hundred anniversary after he died, in the November, 2017. The exhibition re-analyses many historical references about Modigliani, hoping the public re-know his art and legendary
life, which shined like a meteor, very bright but too short.

Amedeo Modigliani, nicknamed Dedo, was born in Livorno, Italy on July 12, 1884. The Modigliani family was a prestigious Jewish family from Rome. Often abroad for business, his father like to have had an important role in the family. Dedo was Raised and influenced mostly by his mother and his mother's family. Moreover, since he had been frail as a child, maternal love was incredibly important to him. In January 1906, Modigliani rode the train and arrived in Paris from Livorno.

The twentieth century, a group of artists gradually settled in the Montparnasse region, forming a new artistic settlement based on café studios such as ''The Bee Hive'' (La Ruche), ''The Rotunda'' (La Rotonde), ''The Dome'' Le Dôme), and ''The Circle of Lilacs'' (La Closerie des Lilas). After 1909, Modigliani moved there and got to meet many artists from the Paris School (École de Paris), including Picasso, Brâncuşi,
Soutine, Kisling, Léonard Tsugouharu. In 1917, Polish poet Leopold Zborowsk I and his wife were also Modigliani's best agents, having planned his first solo exhibition for him. It was not a success; only one painting was sold. When five paintings of nudes were shown in galleries, they were thought to be pornographic, and were Prohibited by the police - no contrary expected expectations, this event made Modigliani famous overnight.

The topics of Modigliani's creations were almost always females, were sculpted or painted. There are only four existing landscape paintings. All the rest are portraits of people he saw in his life, including models, friends, and his lover Jeanne, both clothed and Nity. As for his style, he mixed the Western tradition with multiple cultures, especially his love for the traditional classical Italian style. His inspiration
also came from Cézanne, the Pre-Raphaelites, Renaissance paintings, Cubist paintings, African sculpture, Cambodian reliefs, and Japanese prints. He transferred his study of sculpture to paintings, surgical the depiction of muscles and instead searching for a simplified style that expressed the internal forms. All of the subjects of Modigliani's work - whether men or women - display a certain sensitive femininity.
The figures' lines of the sight of the lack of focus, showing confusion and apathy in the eyes, as if not seeing the external world. Modigliani had a deep influence on the early Chinese artists who studied in France. Sanyu, Pan Yuliang, and Lin Fengmiang's paintings of human figures were conducted inspired by Modigliani. Modigliani's influence can still observed in portraits by many contemporary artists today.

The young girls described by Modigliani, comparing with Ladies’ elegance, they have more chubby cheeks and gentle deer eyes. In the ''Portrait d'une jeune fille'', the subject positioned on the center composition, the blue eyes under the baby bangs, present the innocent of youth. The audience even can see the flashing tears under the long lashes. The pearl gray shadow covers her face, and the straight nosebridge elongates to her rosy small lips. Modigliani said: ''When I know your soul, I will paint your eyes.'' The girl in the oeuvre seems to gaze at the viewer's soul, this also serves as testament to the inspiration that Modigliani found which was created by the collision of Paris avant-garde and classical Italian traditions.

The auction piece is ''Portrait d'une jeune fille'' . Art expert Arthur S. Pfannstiel has certified that this piece was created by Modigliani between 1917 and early 1918, with crayon on cardboard. On the upper left of the painting, there is a signature of the artist. A friend of the artist, French famous poet Jean Cocteau, also signed a certificate to Mme Ribas to confirm that the work was made by the artist’s hands. This artwork is the ancient collection of the Spanish Ribas-Vila family, their family member Mme Vve. Ribas-Vila was friends with Modigliani's neighbor Mlle. Charpentier, when they lived at no. 8 rue de la Grande-Chaumière. Mlle. Charpentier was a friend of the artist, she had often visited him and provided financial assistance when he was alive. In the property of Mlle. Charpentier, there was a set of artworks
given to her by the artist himself. In 1968, Vice Consul of the Netherlands Welters Van Hattum, bought this set of artworks and became a collector with one of the biggest collection of Modigliani works in Europe at the time.