Lady in Blue

1980 - 1983

Ink and color on paper

35 x 35 cm

Signed lower left Lin Fengmian in Chinese
With one seal of the artist

1,000,000 - 1,800,000
238,100 - 428,600
30,500 - 54,900
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2007


LIN Fengmian (Chinese, 1900 - 1991)

Lady in Blue

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Collection of Sanhuai House, Hong Kong


Private Collection of Chinese Calligraphy & Painting - Album of Varied Masterpieces I, Hebei Educational Publishing House, Hebei, May 2005, color illustrated, p. 84

Catalogue Note:

Lin Fengmian once talked about the beauty of art painting in A letter to Countrywide Art Field that: "She's more likely a lady who thinks love most, no matter what kind of sad emotion visitors come with, she will be the first one to provide warmth and comfort that visitors expected." Lin Fengmian's beauty pictures are undoubtedly the best explanation in this case. Despite the beauties in Lin Fengmian's works are modeled as the traditional Chinese beauty, they endow a light sense of Western painting style, florid color colorful but not vulgar, and full of rich lyricism. These works won universal praise in those days, for example, this work, exquisite shape, refined brushwork, moderate color and quieter moods, is just like a beautiful lyric poem.

In Chinese poetries, flute is a kind of symbol for desolate in the north of the Great Wall, Lin Fengmian's beauty pictures great at solemn, combined both in the moods, plus simple and elegant color, fluent and steady brushwork, more wit of perfect pair.

The character in the painting is an ancient beauty with thin eyebrow and phoenix's eyes. The beauty's clothes are on the cover revealed slight complexion in the cloudiness, with a transparent texture. High bind up hair, eyes droop, holds a fife in her dainty hands; the peacefulness and stillness reveal a feeling of loneliness vaguely. The flowing background showed up, vividly created the simple and elegant style and life moods of the ancient lady's literary boudoir. Structured picture, concise and fluent brushwork present the subtle and pure beauty. In which quiet and beautiful along with warm reveal the artist's high color-using accomplishment. Picture shows great and free skills, especially the characters' contour line and clothes veins lines were very fluent.