

Bronze, edition no. 8/10

33(L) x 20(W) x 40(H) cm

Signed Ju Ming in Chinese and dated '95,numbered 8/10

500,000 - 700,000
119,000 - 166,700
15,200 - 21,300
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2007


JU Ming (Taiwanese, b. 1938)


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This sculpture is to be sold with a certificate signed by the artist.

Catalogue Note:

Born in 1938 in Tunghsiao, Miaoli County, Ju did not receive much of a formal education in the fine arts. In his early years, he learned the woodcarving craft from his father, but when he was 30 years old he decided to give up the wellpaid position as first master craftsman in a large woodcarving factory, left Miaoli and became a student with senior sculptor Yuyu Yang. He studied the art of sculpture under Yang for the next eight years, and during that period Yang, seeing that Ju was of a rather frail constitution, suggested he take up taijiquan to improve his health. Ju soon discovered that practicing the ancient 'martial art' did more than just make him stronger: it gave him much food for thought and opened up profound new vistas for his creative work. Ju gained firsthand experience of the awe-inspiring vital force that circulates through all living creatures, and as he gradually adopted this new philosophy and internalized its principles, he also started to express it in his art. This was the point of departure for his taichi series, a collection of works brimming with impressive momentum and a joyful spirit. In these pieces, Ju managed to sublimate the abs t ract es sence of t radi t ional Chinese culture and pour it into concrete manifestations that transcend language and geographical barriers.

This lot, titled Fly, conveys the elegant and supple side of taichi through its unrestrained and buoyant style - we can appreciate how the energy gently rises from the lower parts of the body up into the arms. Fly may not have the steadiness and poise of Single Whip or Underarm Strike, but just like those works, it is a stunning expression of the spirit of taichi.