Lotus (diptych)


Acrylic on canvas

230 x 254 cm

Signed lower right Yang in English and dated 91

1,600,000 - 2,800,000
381,000 - 667,000
49,000 - 85,700

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006


YANG Din (Chinese, b. 1958)

Lotus (diptych)

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Centre International d'Etude Pedagogigues, Sevres, France (selected for the decoration for the reunion room of the Centre International d'Etude Pedagogigues during one year)


Yang Din, Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery, Hong Kong, 2002, color illustrated, p. 37

Catalogue Note:

Yang Din was born in Guangdong Shantou in 1958, he moved to Paris in 1980 and continued to paint; he graduated from Ecole nationale superieure des beaux-arts in 1987, awarded First Prize at the Aube Art Fair organized in Troyes, France; during 1993 to 1994, he taught at ASDASCS center in Clairvaux, France as an art teacher. During 1985 to 1995, Yang had participated many joint exhibitions in Paris and Europe. In 1988, his was invited to exhibit in the salon exhibition of youth manhood which held in the palace of Paris. In 1995 he participated in the "Contemporary Art of China in Paris" exhibition in Galerie Bellefroid, Paris. Except for the two solo exhibitions in Paris, Yang also held his first ever Asia solo exhibition in Alisan Fine Arts in Hong Kong. Later in 1993 to 1994, he held solo exhibitions in Taiwan, Macau, and in 1995 in Dimension Art Center in Taipei.

Yang doesn't imitate nature in his paintings, he focus on the strokes and lines that paints the nature. He combined eastern aesthetic and western elements, through carefully blended blue color schemes, painted a humble and humorous picture, with much decoration, however filled with a sense of peace at the same time, Yang seeks the truth in his paintings, his paintings came from his heart, and the picture is what he felt deep inside transforms. It's easy to discover impressionist Gauguin and contemporary Fauvism in Yang's paintings, simple line structures accompanied with strong color blocks, makes his work possessed with a subjective color, therefore being called "monolog landscape". Recently Yang's market is rising; his works are collected by collectors all over the world.

The "Lotus" was finished in 1991; Yang used blue as the main color in this picture, simplified lotus and other objects forms a special kind of beauty. And this kind of style is decorative, the color blocks and contrasts strengthened that kind of feeling, further restores the art itself; the "Lotus" could be one of Yang's best representative works.