Brora 40 Years Old 1972
Highland 59.10%, 1972蒸餾/2014裝瓶, Bottle#016, 限量160瓶, whiskyfun:98
1 70cl ( OGB )

480,000 - 650,000
124,000 - 168,000
15,900 - 21,600

Brora 酒廠成立於1819 年,1983 年關廠,至今仍能於僅存的庫存中尋到1972 年注入橡木桶的40 年陳年威士忌非常珍貴難得。40 年不僅是Brora 酒廠有史以來最高年份的作品,更以原桶強度裝瓶,全球僅160 組。酒瓶設計豪華大氣,更找來女皇御用酒櫃製造商N.R.J. Stevenson Ltd. 操刀,手工打造木盒,襯托出Brora 40 年的珍貴。Whiskyfun 的Serge 給了這款酒98 分的超高分評價,並形容:一飲入口,一波波的海潮瞬間席捲整個口腔,難以言喻的複雜與力道占領一切感官和知覺,讓人幾乎無法呼吸,一款充滿無限張力的威士忌,無庸置疑的驚嘆!無可置信的完美!

The nose of this 40 is utterly brilliant and its edges have been wonderfully polished with all sorts of precious waxes and oils. What strikes me as well is thatwe're getting very close to the best old Ardbegs from the same era. If, like me, you enjoy a kind of tenseness in your whisky. Amazing. A tidal wave, thearrival's incredibly smooth for Brora, and then it never stops growing, getting bigger, hitting harder, invading your palate and leaving you totally breathless. It'sa symphony, or a long suite by the Duke Ellington Orchestra. You don't control anything, the whisky controls you. Waxy and smoky citrus. Utter perfection. Anendless list of flavours, all coated with the most refined smoke in Scotland. - Whiskyfun 98