L’Oiseau et les roses

from 1960

Oil on canvas

59 x 46 cm

Signed lower right AÏZPIRI in French

900,000 - 1,400,000
222,000 - 346,000
28,600 - 44,600
Sold Price

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2016


Paul AIZPIRI (French, 1919 - 2016)

L’Oiseau et les roses

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Promenade à Paris , Galerie Elegance, Taipei, 2011, color illustrated, p. 12

Catalogue Note:
French artist Paul Aïzpiri is known for his use of brilliant, vibrant color. His inherent optimism and acute color sensation have empowered him to create countless works of renown over the course of his long artistic car eer. Unlike the profound contemplation and introspection often found in the works of Nordic artists, what Aïzpiri’s works reveal are his appreciation of and exaltation in the beauty of life. The thick color patches in his early works with unusual shades of grey are symbolic of the thoughts and aesthetic reflections on life during the post-war years. Later, Aïzpiri filled his palettes with brighter colors, and he started to paint his favorite themes: circus clowns, ladies, flowers, Venus; rose red, brilliant yellow, Mediterranean blue… those were the colors of simplified silhouettes. Lines dancing around with light and crisp paces - like sunlight passing through stain glass - fill the canvas and or chestrate a glamorous mosaic-like picture. Like a curious little child, Aïzpiri is always attracted by the dr eamy world.

His recent works gravitate toward motifs of children, bicycles, airplanes, birds, fish and the sun. Manifestly, a new artistic style is coming into being as the artist’s mind flies and frolics gleefully over the skies of Paris, Saint-Tropez and Venice. The world of dreams extends into infinity and is saturated with the artist’s playful imagination. In a world interwoven with the brightness of color, we are gently embraced by the warmth of sunshine, surrounded and permeated by the artist’s great passion for nature and love for his family.

In the 1940s, Aïzpiri became a rising star in France. Through i n t e r n a t i o n a l e x h i b i t i o n s , h i s w o r k g r a d u a l l y e n t e r e d t h e international market. His paintings are widely celebrated in Japan, where he has his own art museum.

Aïzpiri is deeply influenced by cubism and expressionism. This is especially evident in his stills and portraits. He combined the deconstruction technique of cubism with vivid Spanish colors, creating a series of vibrant and supple floral arrangement painti ngs. “L’Oiseau et les roses” is one of his masterpieces from the 1960s. The floral centerpiece is made up of rough patches of color both concrete and vibrant, while the bird is constructed with just a few strokes of the paintbrush. Its wings are made up of multiple small strokes of color, like stained glass in a cathedral. The painting uses colors that are lively and bold, reflecting the artist’s classic style. Layers of rough brushstrokes transform into a flower on the canvas. With its supple construction, this painting is a strong decorative piece.