The Helmet of Salamander’s Hape


FRP, iron, paint, braiding

65(L) x 34(W) x 60(H) cm

460,000 - 550,000
124,000 - 148,000
15,800 - 18,900
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2018


Yuki INOUE (Japanese, b. 1972)

The Helmet of Salamander’s Hape

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Toy Box - Yuki Inoue Solo exhibition, U space Gallery, Taipei, December 16, 2016~January 14, 2017
SalaMandala/ Childhood Solo exhibition by Yuki Inoue, Takashimaya,Tokyo; Osaka, 2016

Catalogue Note:
The official name of the helmet worn by the Japanese samurai is a kabuto (かぶと).In the present, the large variety of kabuto that have been found are mostly remnants from the Heian to Edo eras. Kabuto are generally made of hemp, wood, bamboo, and leather. In addition, a large number of metal accessories have also been found attached to these kabuto.Prior to the Warring States period, the majority of battles during the Heian period were fought using bows. The helmets from this era served primarily to protect the face. During the Edo period, along with improvements in craftsmanship, materials typically used to craft ō-yoroi such as iron, weaved bamboo, and leather, as well as other materials such as fur, ivory, ox horns, and washi were also incorporated into kabuto designs, leading to the creation of these gorgeous Japanese cultural relics.

Kabuto are helmets that serve as blessings to help elevate status and achieve swift success, or as symbols of the strength and bravery of the samurai

The artist specializes in using the salamander, a living fossil with incredible regenerative abilities, as the main subject for his works. Combining Edo period cultural elements with contemporary Japanese cultural elements, the artist perfectly blends these two to create beautiful, detail filled figures using the finest sculptural techniques. Only a single one of this work was created. Although it inherits the body of a salamander, the style of this work is rarely seen in the artist’s works. The uniqueness as well as the finely woven detail and combination of different materials make this an especially extraordinary piece of art.