Male Tree - Middle


Baked enamel on steel plate (unique)

97(L) x 55(W) x 168(H) cm

Signed Hung Yi in Chinese and dated 2009

450,000 - 550,000
107,000 - 131,000
14,100 - 17,200
Sold Price

Ravenel Spring Auction 2010 Taipei


HUNG Yi (Taiwanese, b. 1970)

Male Tree - Middle

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Catalogue Note:

Hung Yi's works are always secular. The little characters who are involved in everyday life can always show joy, anger, grief and happiness in his works that arouse a sympathetic laugh. Appreciating Hung Yi's works, you are reading an amazing and common folk story which has magic arcs and abundant plots. His stories have rich contents, everything like warmth, sadness, sophisticated and humorous crafty, childish and naïve dreams, people and affairs that may happen to anybody among us, image of all human beings in the diverse society. But there is no hoity-toity, fake profoundness or shouting criticism, and he might use metonymy that makes you laugh to disclose the dark side of the society. Hung Yi is alive and free from any restraints in his work, which is so exuberant and abundant that there seems to be infinite vital creative ideas and inexhaustible artful thoughts.

Hung Yi's work "Male Tree" shows lovely style of Taiwan, from which you can feel full native sense. The work Male Tree has sophisticated folk cultural totems and symbols which fully show the artist's sense of humor towards life and everything. The avatars of folk culture and everyday life mix the artist's observation and feelings of land into the image, and the barbaric-looking but absolutely lovely things are messengers through which Hung Yi communicates the ideal of "Art Your Life". Hung Yi thinks the human world is adorable while Taiwan is absolutely a Fairland.