Vase of Flowers


Oil on canvas

100 x 80 cm

Signed lower right Zhou Chunya in Chinese and dated 1994

3,200,000 - 4,800,000
755,300 - 1,132,900
96,900 - 145,300
Sold Price

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2007


ZHOU Chunya (Chinese, b. 1955)

Vase of Flowers

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Catalogue Note:

Zhou Chunya has once firmly indicated that though he has deeply influenced by German New Expressionism, he has held the view that his painting has always kept profound China complex. In analysis about his works, both the mode of expression and contents of the painting definitely contain double contexts. On aspect is the Western oil painting technique that endows strong expressiveness to the works. The other aspect is contents of the traditional Chinese style, such as mountain rocks and flower series.

As early as the beginning of 1990, Zhou Chunya has begun the creation of "flower" series. The topic of flower has been the contents that traditional Chinese artists like to express in their works. The series was construed again under the pen of Zhou Chunya. In the works of "Vase of flowers", Zhou Chunya has integrated the language of traditional Chinese painting through the western sketch. Most important is that he has adopted totally different technique. He has used the expression technique of liberal strokes, fully demonstrating his bold and broad style of expressionism. In Zhou Chunya's painting, flower, the traditional Chinese theme, presents charming glory under the aura of Western painting skill, realizing perfect integration of Chinese and western painting languages. Additionally, Zhou Chunya's bold color application and his expression mode of liberal strokes complete each other. Both color and composition present a bold and mysterious sense. Such innovative and bold artistic creation has reached the extraordinary effect. In Zhou Chunya's view, form and color of such heterodox works just come in line with his disposition. With his uninhibited trait he construes the traditional humanistic painting that is "warm and introvert".

"Viewed in distance, his painting is like splashing with liberal strokes, smooth and uninhibited. The painting is light and flexible, majestic and vast, forthright and untrammeled, potent and trenchant, with bold and rough beauty. On the large white painting canvas, with the imago and sculpt and vivid tune, by writing-like exertion, a small number of strokes are rendered out in vigorous style. Every stroke conveys spirit. Pigments flow wildly and the color changes in strong and pale alternation, creating orient poetry. Floating sense resembles natural and smooth writing like running cloud and flowing water, and like intellectual fountain source, It presents random, freedom, novelty, stimulation, refreshing and inspiration. It is thought-provoking and leaves your thought lingering. There is idyllic and pastoral complex of countryside life, featuring typical outlook and humanistic pleasure of Chinese Painting in "freehand" style. Viewed at close hand, you may find the alternation of thickness and thinness. The stroke is easy and powerful, seeming to be separated from the background. With several floating strokes, he uses liberal strokes to demonstrate the oil painting full of enthusiasm and expressiveness. Dots and lines emerging faintly on the painting, as well as the strong colors, are integrated into complicate imbroglio. Sight lines of the viewer are wound by the multitude of composing elements and get lost in the mysterious ecstasy and thus the principle consciousness is highlighted. Thickly accumulated or forthright splash of transparent oil paint cover on the undulant texture. Broad style of strokes is inhibited and limited in it to the superfine details, presenting a strong visual impelling force. These expressive factors tinge sheer and strong Western style."